我们开设了高级课程,因为大多数ap课程并没有给我们的学生提供真正的大学水平的体验. 我们知道我们可以做得更好. 也就是说, 我们承认大学先修课程在许多学校都有很大的价值, especially where a standardized curriculum provides an important guide for teachers and where colleges may not be as familiar with a school’s academic program.
This change gives our school the chance to be itself—to focus on fulfilling a mission directed not just at mastery of course material but at supporting our students as they develop into intellectual and moral beings. We believe in our mission and in the power of our faculty to create learning experiences for students that elicit a high degree of intellectual engagement and that involve active, 真实的工作,以获得对具有挑战性的概念的最深刻的理解, 困难的技巧, 和复杂的内容.
在后勤层面上, 没有AP课程的课程可以重新获得四到六周的宝贵时间来教授新的内容. 例如,在过去,AP生物的学生在圣. 卢克的考试期在3月,准备AP考试练习, 然后复习完成的练习考试, 然后准备5月初举行的真正的AP考试. 在那之后, 老师们观察到,学生们在一年中剩下的几个星期里失去了动力和注意力,这是可以理解的. St. 卢克的 先进的生物 classes take all the time previously spent prepping for a standardized test and use it instead to dive deeply into biological science topics.
当圣. 卢克在20世纪80年代首次引入AP课程, 这是我们展示学术造诣的好机会. 40多年后,我们的学术项目不再需要外界的批准. St. 卢克大学在全国享有学术重镇的美誉, 将学生送到一系列精选的学院和大学,每年吸引更多的合格学生,而不是我们可以招收的学生. 同时, our faculty are ready and eager to challenge students in ways the College Board’s n箭头 focus on standardized tests simply can’t accommodate in many subjects.
Many excellent independent schools have examined the Advanced Placement program and made the decision either not to offer APs in the first place or to move away from APs in most or all areas. 以下是这类学校的样本.
Our conversations with college deans of admission and the college representatives who visit our campus each year affirm that the absence of AP courses on a student's record has not hurt them in any way--if anything, St. 卢克的高级课程帮助申请人在竞争激烈的人群中脱颖而出. 大学是根据学生所修课程的强度和学校课程的严谨性来评估学生的. 换句话说, 学生的成绩单是在该学生所修课程的背景下进行评估的. St. 卢克的 provides colleges with a School Profile that accompanies each application; our School Profile clearly describes the nature of our programs and communicates which are our most demanding courses in each discipline.
Schools that have already removed the AP designation and created their own advanced courses have had their decisions received enthusiastically by colleges—even the most selective.
We shared our work on Advanced curriculum with deans of admission at selective colleges and universities and asked them directly if the absence of “AP” on a student's record would hurt St. 卢克的申请人在大学录取过程中. 以下是我们收到的一些回复:
“St. 卢克的学校受益于在高选择性的学院和大学中拥有强大的学术声誉. Transitioning away from Advanced Placement is neither detrimental to the school nor to its students provided comparable courses are made available. 一如既往地, 里士满大学期待着收到来自St. 卢克的.”
吉尔·J. 维拉纽瓦,副校长兼院长,招生办公室
“在麻省理工学院,我们尊重所有中学提供他们认为最适合学生的课程的权利. The changes that St 卢克的 is proposing will have no impact on the way we will evaluate their students--we will still be aware that St 卢克的提供s a challenging curriculum that prepares their students for post-secondary study at the highest levels."
Stuart Schmill,招生和学生金融服务主任
“Notre Dame does not have a preference for either the AP or IB courses--our primary consideration is for the high school to inform us what their top courses are and whether our applicant has taken most of them. 像St这样的高中. 卢克的 that drop the AP and have their own focus on what they consider to be an honors or advanced course will not have any reduction in chances for their top students to gain admission at Notre Dame.”
“在明德, we look at applicants within the context of what their schools offer; we see many students whose high schools have chosen to veer away from AP classes, choosing instead to offer more specific course content geared at the passions of teachers and students and at the particular resources and opportunities available within that school’s culture. 只要……. 《澳门在线威尼斯官方下载》清楚地界定了它所认为的高级课程, 在评估学生在成绩单上选择课程的严谨性时,我们会考虑这些指定. 不提供ap并不会让学生在录取过程中处于劣势. 我以前也当过老师, 我赞赏任何允许和鼓励教师和学校提高创新水平和专业化水平的举措.”
高级课程的引入是整个高中创新教学的更大重点的一部分. 高中前两年的学生在圣. 卢克的 already benefit from an environment where their teachers are encouraged to create the very best curriculum without being bound by the College Board.
也就是说, 9年级和10年级的荣誉课程通常是一种“预ap”课程,的评估方法和课程重点领域,旨在帮助学生在未来几年的AP考试中取得成功. 例如, 英国文学荣誉班的学生, 一门10年级的课程, used to do a fair amount of timed writing on poems they had not studied yet; that was a practice based on the old 11th-grade AP Literature exam. 现在,老师们不再把9年级和10年级的荣誉课程视为“预修课程”,“他们, 太, have the freedom to design innovative curriculum that best inspires their students and prepares them for truly advanced work in the discipline.
微积分、法语和西班牙语是圣. 卢克的校友报告最常用的AP成绩是4或5分,以进入更高水平的大学课程或满足大学要求. 这是我们选择保留这些AP课程(AP微积分AB)的部分原因, AP微积分BC, AP法语, 和AP西班牙语)在我们的课程中. 也, these particular exams are ones worth teaching toward-- they meet our own high standard of excellent assessments focused more on true learning and application than on memorizing content.
是的. 虽然我们坚信,高级课程挑战和参与任何积极进取的学生准备大学水平的工作, 我们承认,学生可能有特殊的原因需要传统的大学先修课程. 例如, 有兴趣在国外上大学的学生可能需要AP成绩才有资格入学. Students in the Class of 2023 and 2024 who are academically eligible and are recommended for Advanced Courses may choose to take up to a total of two AP courses online through One Schoolhouse or the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth. AP课程必须是我们2019年开设的课程. 符合条件的学生可以将一门在线AP课程计入每年所需的SLS课程总额我们不会将在线课程的费用转嫁给家庭.
Honors is the designation we use for high school-level courses where an honors section covers a wider scope and moves at a faster pace than a standard section. 高级是指有先决条件的大学水平课程(通常是荣誉课程)。. 例如, 学生可以选择标准或荣誉级别的生物学课程, 通常是在九年级. 然而,高等生物学是一门大学水平的课程,通常在11年级或12年级学习.
St. 路加学派是一个世俗(非宗教), 新迦南的私立学校, 5至12年级的CT服务于康涅狄格州和纽约州的35个城镇. Our exceptional academics and diverse co-educational community foster students’ intellectual and ethical development and prepare them for top colleges. St. 卢克的澳门在线威尼斯官方下载建立了服务的承诺和领导的信心.